Sunday, January 18, 2009

After a LONG Absence

Well. Well, well, well. Certainly you, my droogs, have not forgotten about your friend and humble narrator. As I have most certainly not forgotten you, my brothers.

There was me, that is Michael, and I sat in the awesomesauce living room, trying to make up my rassoodocks what to do with the afternoon. The awesomesauce living room had Dr Pepper-plus, Dr Pepper plus Prednosone or Reactine, which is what I was drinking. This would sharpen you up and make you ready for a bit of the old pigskin.

"I could never stand to see anyone like that, whatever his age might be, but more especially when he was real old like this one was."

And what did my eyes see but the mighty Arizona Cardinals, fronted as it were by a young droog named Larry Fitzgerald, an older droog named Kurt Warner, and a real horrorshow display of chicanery:

But pay heed to your humble narrator, o my brothers, for the first thing that flashed into my gulliver upon this most momentous of victories was the '47 Cardinals, and that any old drought could possibly be snuffed out, real quick like. Right, right?

Or not.

1 comment:

DSBT said...

There's still like another 55 years the Leafs can win before I go too senile to remember, they just need to play the Bates Battaglia Way!