Sunday, September 28, 2008


Well here we are...
Welcome to the wonderful and sometimes even true world of pro football, and whatever the hell else i feel like talking about.
I come to you today watching the future of the quarterback position in the nfl, two up and coming go-getters named Warner and Favre. On a related note, judging from what I've seen today I think that the Fighting Irish may be better off facing these Cardinals next week.
In other news, in light of yet another dismal loss by the tail -spinning Toronto Argonauts, coach Don Matthews is shaking up the line-up yet again, and he thinks that Toronto fans will be very pleased:

"I've finally made a decision" says Sundin.

Now it's time for the Toronto Bills to face the lamest show on turf, the St. Louis Rams. I'm imposing the old "Oakland Raiders" rule on the Rams this year (i.e. lose to this team and you're kicked out of the league)

I'll be updating whenever i damn well feel like it, i.e. whenever something good, or so God-forsaken awful that it's good, happens in the world of football. (or some lesser sport like hockey, baseball, or auto racing).


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